Tuesday, September 7, 2010

As far as we have known

As far as we have known each other, we have been married longer than we have not. You are my best friend, my one and only love.

I love you. For. Ever. (and ever). Always.

Is it just me?

Alright, I need some assistance here. Notice how my very last picture in the previous blog is not centered, but instead is left-aligned?

Is blogger just finicky or is there something I can do to fix this?

Usually, when I insert a picture, a little blue box will pop up and have size options, alignment options, and even the option of adding a caption.

However, once I select these options, or if I click on something before selecting them, the box goes away and I can never get it back. I try clicking on the picture, double-clicking, right clicking. Sometimes it will appear for an instant, and then disappear as soon as I release the button or move my cursor.

Sometimes my pictures even move from where my cursor was when I clicked insert picture. Help!

Green Thumb

Admittedly, the garage needs some repair, but I'm pretty satisfied with how well my first garden is looking, particularly so post-rain and lawn mowing.

Sept. 7, 2010
It's been a fun summer. Some victories, some defeats. Trekker has probably been the biggest force of evil against which my poor plants have had to battle this season. Not drought, not bugs, just Trekker, and his leathal claws.

First planted --the same garden--April 2010
Just this past Saturday, I wandered out to the back deck while Trekker was doing his morning rounds around the yard, looked over the rail, and noticed one of my beautiful azaelas tilted at a funny-looking angle. Upon further inspection, the entire plant had been beheaded, right at ground level, by what appears to be none other than Trekker's back paw as he marked that very spot (the whole plant smelled of urine).

We started with eight azaelas across the back of the deck. One died of mysterious causes---just up and turned brown and all the leaves fell off. None of the plants around it were affected. Just that one. Now we've lost another to a territorial pest...I mean, pet! :) And then there were six.

Even so, I feel I've made some good strides in learning about plants and gardens, and more importantly, I've had lots of fun doing it. I haven't had the time since school started back up, but then again, I think gardening could be a good hobby for that very reason. A great way to fill my summer hours with a relaxing, satisfying activity.
One of my beautiful lilies
Pretty Purple Petunias

A look at the front yard too!