Tuesday, March 15, 2011

These Days

Haven't had much desire to blog these past few months. Sometimes the work seems more effort than it's worth. I used to like to write. I still do, I think. Blogging is just such a different kind of writing. I have to continuously edit my thoughts, unlike journaling, where I can just spew and feel comforted that no one else has to see the vomit.

Everywhere I turn, I hear another story about someone who put something on the internet without using descretion, and the next you know, life is in shambles.

Then I vacillate between the optimism of "that won't happen to me" to the paranoia of "Big brother is looking over my shoulder. What picture could be painted of my words?"

Here is a brief recap:

  • Basketball season is over. I put in my resignation.  No more coaching for me. Which is a good thing.
  • Looking forward to spring and warmer weather. Seems life always stays busy, even when I am not coaching and don't have grading due to a student teacher.
  • Joined a book club recently that my friend Ami started (Saturday Night Free Verse). It's fantastic to have a new group of friends who like to read. Current read is The Time Traveler's Wife. My pick. I'm reading it for the second time and enjoying it more than the first.
  • Spring break is here. Casey and I spent the wekend in Springfield visiting my family. We were going to see the Lincoln sights, but came back early due to next bullet point.
  • Adelaide is dying. This is a much bigger deal than one bullet point's worth, but I don't have the energy to delve more deeply into the emotion and response that it deserves.
Having typed and backspaced this sentence too many times to count, I will leave it at that.



  1. it is good to hear from you again via blogging.
    so sorry to hear about adelaide. wish i knew how to offer you comfort.
    long pause.
    do you know two people names ami with an i? or did you join a book club with ami bell? cause that spelling is unusual. just curious. i like that book. i've been reading my mom's book club books. it's good fun.
    miss you.

  2. Ami is a friend from house church. Strange, huh?
