Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Seven Months Adelaide Penelope

Dear Adelaide,

Happy Seven Months, Laidey Bug! Your biggest milestones for month seven are sitting and eating. Now that you can sit up on your own, you aren't happy any other way. When I lay you on your back, you strain to pull yourself up with your abdominal muscles. You are pretty strong, but not yet strong enough to pull yourself up. You also hate being on your tummy. Your dad and I often wonder how you will ever learn to crawl with as much as you hate being on your tummy. Any time we put you on your stomach, you immediately roll yourself over to your back. And then you proceed to strain to lift yourself off the ground into the sitting position. :)

You have started to eat solids, too. And by eat, I mean put them in your mouth, suck all the liquid out, and then throw the food on the floor and watch with rapt attention as Fitz devours your dinner. You have tried all sorts of food: squash, zucchini, broccoli, green beans, avocado, pear, mango, apple--and your reaction is just about the same to it all: you make a horribly sour face, sometimes sticking your tongue out, and then you open your mouth for more. Since we are taking the "baby led weaning" approach, almost all the food you have been given thus far is whole chunks of food, and you seem to prefer it that way. The couple of times I've tried to puree food and spoon feed you, you don't seem interested in eating. But, put a slice of mango or a few green beans on your tray, and you will have them in your mouth in no time.

These days, Fitz is one of your favorite friends. You smile at him whenever you see him, and you eagerly reach out to grab his fur whenever he is within reach. You are particularly fond of grabbing his mouth--it's  a good thing he is such a patient dog. He lets you do pretty much anything without responding--all with us right there, of course.

The past two days have been our first snow days together. You aren't one for making snowmen or building snow forts yet, but we did take you sledding for the first time. I think you had fun.

It's funny, it was just earlier this month that we took you to the park and put you on a swing. Swinging and sledding all in the same month.  That's St. Louis weather for you.

Bit by bit, you are growing up. Each month brings new treasures and delights, for you and for us!

Mama and Daddy

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